The Cannabis industry

and marketing to women

Marketing to Women

In a recent survey conducted by Caddle prior to October 17, 2018 (the day cannabis became legal across Canada), we found that 62% of male users were likely to purchase cannabis, while only 45% of female users were likely to do so as well.

This result comes with little surprise, as cannabis use trends have historically leaned more toward men – particularly in places where and times when cannabis has been considered illegal. In a 2012 study by Statistics Canada, 49.4% of male respondents and 35.8% of female respondents admitted to using cannabis at least once in their lifetime.

The Cannabis industry and marketing to women

Legalization of Cannabis

However, with the legalization of cannabis in several U.S. states, across all of Canada, and more and more throughout the world, we’re seeing a rise in the female cannabis consumer. In a 2017 survey of 1,200 adult cannabis users in Colorado and California, cannabis research firm BDS Analytics found that 45% of the overall respondents were women.

The Cannabis Industry and marketing to women

Why are women different?

Toronto-based cannabis company Van der Pop focuses on female consumers and shares the following research:

  • 87% of women who use cannabis use it as a sexual aid and find it effective
  • 3.4 million Canadian women are interested in how cannabis can help them relax; 1.5 million are interested in how it can complement their exercise; 1.3 million want to try including cannabis in their cooking
  • 52% of cannabis users say it helps them sleep
  • 51% of female users are interested in cannabis’ potential skincare powers

With cannabis now fully legalized across Canada, cannabis producers, consumers and researchers are excited about all of the potential opportunities to improve safety and quality. They also want to learn more about the plant.

The Cannabis industry and marketing to women

Most importantly, the move will hopefully help keep cannabis out of the hands of children, reduce the ability for illegal entities to profit from it, and enable women to feel more empowered in trying and using cannabis for all its potential positive benefits.

If you’d like to learn more about how to safely and legally purchase and use cannabis in your home province, check with the Government of Canada here.

Read more from the Caddle Cannabis Survey

Cannabis 101: Bud Basics explained

Cannabis Stigma – is there a change on the way?